Post Confirmation Wind Downs

NCRS has extensive experience in assisting clients with the realization of assets through a liquidation or a post‐confirmation wind down process. Common areas of this practice include:

NCRS Liquidation of AssetsLiquidation of Assets

  • Maximization of the value of challenged assets including developed and undeveloped industrial and commercial real estate.
  • Identification of intangible assets such as environmental credits, tax refunds, utility credits, patents, trademarks and litigation related recoveries.
  • Development of creative strategies to package and present assets for sale.

Litigation Support

  • Expertise in support of attorneys in complex financial matters, such as fraudulent conveyances.
  • Experience in writing Expert Reports and offering Expert Testimony.
  • Experience in recognizing the options for Accounts Receivable recovery.
  • Experience in support of attorneys in litigating employee matters.
  • Experience in forensic accounting work.

NCRS Post Confirmation Wind DownsPreference Support and Analysis

  • Expertise in extraction systems data from accounting systems.
  • Analysis of data using proprietary statistics based methodology.
  • Rapid generation of exhibits using VBS programming to replicate analyses.
  • Exhibits produced and stored in folders for efficient use by attorneys.

Estate Administration

  • Cash management, budgeting and funding of post confirmation activity.
  • Research on hidden assets such as tax refunds, insurance policy sales, and prepaid services.
  • Meticulous care in identifying assets left behind after 363 asset sales.
  • Historical records management.
  • Corporate Dissolution Services.

Claims Resolution

Management of claims resolution in proprietary database software offering claims management status reports and facilitating:

  • Efficient data collection and claims negotiation records maintenance.
  • Success in eliminating unwarranted claims.
  • Accurate recording of claim ownership histories.

Descriptive objection exhibit generation.

  • Effective distribution processing.
  • Resolution of complex claims (tax, environmental, trade, HR related)
  • Negotiation of complex contracts and leases.