Creditor Committee Financial Advisory Services
NCRS has experience in providing advisory assistance to creditors’ committees and is well familiar with the major demands of input and monitoring by the creditors’ committee.
Among various tasks at hand are:
Debtor Company Structure
- Review of the competence and potential for future contribution of the management.
- Review of the overall corporate structure and manpower requirements.
- Review of the general management and employee trouble areas and shortfalls.
Business Evaluation
- Immediate assessment of the Debtor’s cash flow position, liquidity, and operating results.
- Determination of viability of the Debtor’s business plan, revenue projections, and capital requirements.
- Analysis of the relationships with key suppliers and customers.
Analysis of the Claims Against the Debtor
- Review of the Debtor’s reconciliation of the claims and the impact on return to the creditors.
- Monitoring of the Debtor’s handling of 503(b)(9) claims and set offs.
Analysis of the Disclosure Statement (“DS”) and Plan of Reorganization or Liquidation (“Plan”)
- Detailed critique of all parts of the DS and the Plan.
- Assessment of the overall viability of the Plan.
- Negotiation with the Debtor, if necessary, regarding all points of the DS and Plan.
- Communication with other stake holders of the Plan.